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SV2 Presents: The Role of Philanthropy in Supporting Affordable Housing

All Bay Area cities are required to plan for a substantial increase in housing affordable to low and moderate income residents. Cities face numerous financial and policy challenges in meeting this goal, which is important for meeting the region’s equity and environmental goals.

This event brings together three Bay Area philanthropists to discuss how philanthropy can help the Bay Area meet its goal to greatly increase the supply of affordable housing:

The panel will be moderated by Catherine Bracy, CEO & Co-Founder of Tech Equity Collaborative. May 2022 is Affordable Housing Month sponsored by Silicon Valley at Home (SV@Home). SV@Home is a Community Partner / Grantee of the Silicon Valley Social Venture Fund (SV2). Steve Levy, SV2 Partner is co-organizing this event with SV@Home.

Following the panel discussion, there will be ample time for audience questions. Each organization has a unique perspective on why supporting affordable housing is critically important for the Bay Area’s future. You will learn how individual philanthropy can play a role in addition to the contribution of major philanthropic organizations.

SV2 Partner Leader Contact: Steve Levy (

See more via SV@Home.