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Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Presents the May’22 Biketivist Forum: Intersection of Affordable Housing and Land Use

It's MAY! It's not just Bike Month, but also Affordable Housing month! In order to celebrate both, our May forum will dive into the importance of affordable housing in land use and what impacts it has on different modes of transportation. It will also talk about how a sustainable land use model can bring people out of cars and encourage use of other modes.

Stay tuned for more information.

About the Monthly Biketivist Forum:

The goal of the Biketivist Forum is to create collaboration among all of SVBC’s members and give you an opportunity to meet and connect with you neighbors to organize around better biking. There is so much work to do across 35 cities and towns and we HAVE to rely on you, the people. We can't be successful without teams of people working to make change in each community and fight against the status quo.

The format will be:

  • First half with one or more speakers and sharing info on the policy agenda, advocacy training, how to recruit your friends and neighbors, and learning from city staff and elected officials, as well as among your peers from other cities.

  • Second half will be devoted to Local Team meetings through breakout groups designated by city. These breakout groups will give attendees a chance to discuss the information from the speaker and apply it to their city’s context as well as cover regular monthly business.

This forum will occur monthly on the third Wednesday from 5pm to 7pm.

Any questions, contact |

See more via SV@Home.